Who We Are?
Integrated Development Foundation (IDF) is a non-profit, non-government organization established in December 1992 by Mr. Zahirul Alam, a former ILO staff member and founder member-secretary of the Rural Economics Program of the Economics Department at the University of Chittagong from where Grameen Bank Microfinance Model was developed by Nobel Laureate Prof. Muhammad Yunus in the 1970s.
The main objective of IDF is to enhance the quality of life of the landless poor, marginal farmers and disadvantaged people in terms of capital, education, financial literacy, health, nutrition, sanitation, safe water, housing and the environment through building effective institutions of their own, which they can understand and operate and can find socio-economic strength in it through mutual support.
IDF was established to work for the poor and disadvantaged people of remote, difficult, hilly and un-served areas of Bangladesh. IDF finds out un-served areas and un-served population so that poor and un-served families are not excluded from financial services. IDF designs financial and social products in such way that a sustainable development could be brought in the life of poor people.
The financial products are credit for, income-generating activities, short and long term savings. It also provides micro insurance for life, health, income-generating activities and other products like disaster management supports, technology transfer, value chains development, solar home system for power, solar mini-grid etc..